Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday - Friday, March 4-7

I can evaluate the distribution of power in societies.

1. Presenation Work Time
2. A Few Presentations
3. Intro to Medieval Project
4. Robin Hood (20 min)
1. A Few Presentations
2. Crusades
3. Medieval Societies
4. Robin Hood (20 min)

1. Plague
2. Medieval Societies
3. Robin Hood (20 min)

Robin Hood

Medieval Societies:
Medieval Kingdoms:  Choose a Kingdom: You will be recreating a medieval kingdom. Begin to research the following monarchs and choose one that you want to focus on. You will primarily need to find a map of the monarch's kingdom and draw it on poster paper.
Alfred the Great   William the Conqueror   Eleanor of Aquitaine   King John of England   Hugh Capet   Otto the Great   Ferdinand & Isabella Henry IV   Richard the Lion-Hearted 
Choose to lay out either a city or a manor.

  • all the necessary elements of a medieval city or manor 
  • 1 element to represent something specific about your monarch 
  • 1 element (total of 7) to represent each role you & your peers presented on: pope, king/queen, merchant, noble, knight, peasant, & serf 
  • 1 element to represent the Crusades 
  • 1 element to represent the power of the Catholic Church 
  • 1 element to represent the effects of the plaque

Friday, February 28, 2014

Monday, March 3

I can evaluate the distribution of power in societies.

1. Starter: What is the best and worst thing about life during the Middle Ages for the role you researched?

2. Presentations: Share with the class the information about the role you researched. As your classmates are presenting, take notes on the chart.

3. Medieval Kingdoms: 
Choose a Kingdom: You will be recreating a medieval kingdom. Begin to research the following monarchs and choose one that you want to focus on. You will primarily need to find a map of the monarch's kingdom and draw it on poster paper.
Alfred the Great  
William the Conqueror  
Eleanor of Aquitaine  
King John of England  
Hugh Capet  
Otto the Great  
Ferdinand & Isabella
Henry IV  
Richard the Lion-Hearted 

Draft a plan for your kingdom. Layout your kingdom including a castle, city, and manor with all of their necessary elements. These kingdoms will face medieval challenges and will have to respond appropriately.

5. Ticket Out the Door: Write a higher order thinking question about the Middle Ages. Answer it.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Friday, February 28th

I can evaluate the distribution of power in societies.

1. Starter: Medieval Social Classes Simulation

2. Feudal Societies & Medieval Cities: take notes

3. Medieval Social Roles: You will be assigned one of the following medieval roles to present to the class. Use the question sheet linked below to be sure your research is comprehensive. 
Medieval Social Roles Research

You should use the following link to take you to quality web resources.
Websites for Medieval Roles Research

Your presentation will be evaluated using the rubric linked below.
Rubric for Presentation

Presentations will be due Monday.  

4. Choose a Kingdom: You will be recreating a medieval kingdom. Begin to research the following monarchs and choose one that you want to focus on. You will primarily need to find a map of the monarch's kingdom and draw it on poster paper. 

Alfred the Great
William the Conqueror
Eleanor of Aquitaine
King John of England
Hugh Capet
Otto the Great
Ferdinand & Isabel
Henry IV
Richard the Lion-Hearted

5. Ticket Out the Door: List 2 facts you learned this week that you found interesting and one fact you found confusing or uninteresting.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thursday, February 27th

I can make predictions based on historical patterns.
2nd Block:
1. Starter: Describe a king nicknamed "the great." What 5 qualities or characteristics must he possess?

*Monks & Monasteries presentations

2. Charlemagne: Take notes as we go through the PowerPoint.

3. Get Inside Charlemagne's Head: Complete the handout. 

5. Ticket Out the Door: How many of your characteristics of "great" did Charlemagne possess? Explain. 

3rd Block:
1. Starter: Starter: What are the three most interesting facts about the Byzantine Empire?

2. Monks & Monasteries Posters & Presentations: Finish your posters and present the information to the class.
*As you finish get caught up on whatever work you owe me. 

3. Write a Day in the Life of a Monk story. This should be an entertaining, historically accurate 1st person account.   

4. Ticket Out the Door: Would you like to be a monk for a day in the Middle Ages? Why or why not?  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wednesday, February 26th

I can make predictions based on historical patterns. 

1. Starter: What are the three most interesting facts about the Byzantine Empire?

2. Terry Jones' Medieval Life - The Monk: As you watch...

3. Complete the handout Christianity in Western Europe using pgs. 361-365.

4. Write a short Day in the Life of a Monk story. This should be a 1st person account. 

5. Ticket Out the Door: 
  • Create one higher order thinking question about today's lesson (use process skills).
  • Answer the question.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday, February 25th

I can make predictions based on historical patterns. 

1. Starter: Based on the following statement, make a prediction about the end of the Byzantine Empire. 

"The Byzantines themselves, not the Turks, bear the greatest responsibility for the end of their empire."

2. Rick Steves visits Istanbul: Answer the questions as you watch.

3. Complete the handout on the Byzantine Empire using the textbook.

4. Write an ode to Justinian and Theodora (or whichever you think is deserving of the praise). 

5. Ticket Out the Door: Would you like to visit the city of Istanbul? Why or why not?

    Friday, February 21, 2014

    Monday, February 24th

    1. Starter: Fill in your World Religions BINGO boards.

    2. Graphicize It: How can you graphically represent the similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 

    Assignment & Rubric:
    10 pts - Non-biased perspective
    10 pts - Legible/neat
    10 pts - Creative (illustrations & words)
    20 pts - Detailed/well-thought out
    20 pts - Rigor: show higher level thinking and goes beyond the chart

    3.Choose either Buddhism, Hinduism, or Confucianism. Add this religion to your World Religions chart and fill it in for the religion you choose. Use the textbook to complete the chart. 

    4. Ticket Out the Door: Which religion would you most like to learn more about or experience? Why?