Friday, February 28, 2014

Monday, March 3

I can evaluate the distribution of power in societies.

1. Starter: What is the best and worst thing about life during the Middle Ages for the role you researched?

2. Presentations: Share with the class the information about the role you researched. As your classmates are presenting, take notes on the chart.

3. Medieval Kingdoms: 
Choose a Kingdom: You will be recreating a medieval kingdom. Begin to research the following monarchs and choose one that you want to focus on. You will primarily need to find a map of the monarch's kingdom and draw it on poster paper.
Alfred the Great  
William the Conqueror  
Eleanor of Aquitaine  
King John of England  
Hugh Capet  
Otto the Great  
Ferdinand & Isabella
Henry IV  
Richard the Lion-Hearted 

Draft a plan for your kingdom. Layout your kingdom including a castle, city, and manor with all of their necessary elements. These kingdoms will face medieval challenges and will have to respond appropriately.

5. Ticket Out the Door: Write a higher order thinking question about the Middle Ages. Answer it.

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