Friday, February 21, 2014

Monday, February 24th

1. Starter: Fill in your World Religions BINGO boards.

2. Graphicize It: How can you graphically represent the similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 

Assignment & Rubric:
10 pts - Non-biased perspective
10 pts - Legible/neat
10 pts - Creative (illustrations & words)
20 pts - Detailed/well-thought out
20 pts - Rigor: show higher level thinking and goes beyond the chart

3.Choose either Buddhism, Hinduism, or Confucianism. Add this religion to your World Religions chart and fill it in for the religion you choose. Use the textbook to complete the chart. 

4. Ticket Out the Door: Which religion would you most like to learn more about or experience? Why?

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