Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thursday, February 27th

I can make predictions based on historical patterns.
2nd Block:
1. Starter: Describe a king nicknamed "the great." What 5 qualities or characteristics must he possess?

*Monks & Monasteries presentations

2. Charlemagne: Take notes as we go through the PowerPoint.

3. Get Inside Charlemagne's Head: Complete the handout. 

5. Ticket Out the Door: How many of your characteristics of "great" did Charlemagne possess? Explain. 

3rd Block:
1. Starter: Starter: What are the three most interesting facts about the Byzantine Empire?

2. Monks & Monasteries Posters & Presentations: Finish your posters and present the information to the class.
*As you finish get caught up on whatever work you owe me. 

3. Write a Day in the Life of a Monk story. This should be an entertaining, historically accurate 1st person account.   

4. Ticket Out the Door: Would you like to be a monk for a day in the Middle Ages? Why or why not?  

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