Thursday, February 27, 2014

Friday, February 28th

I can evaluate the distribution of power in societies.

1. Starter: Medieval Social Classes Simulation

2. Feudal Societies & Medieval Cities: take notes

3. Medieval Social Roles: You will be assigned one of the following medieval roles to present to the class. Use the question sheet linked below to be sure your research is comprehensive. 
Medieval Social Roles Research

You should use the following link to take you to quality web resources.
Websites for Medieval Roles Research

Your presentation will be evaluated using the rubric linked below.
Rubric for Presentation

Presentations will be due Monday.  

4. Choose a Kingdom: You will be recreating a medieval kingdom. Begin to research the following monarchs and choose one that you want to focus on. You will primarily need to find a map of the monarch's kingdom and draw it on poster paper. 

Alfred the Great
William the Conqueror
Eleanor of Aquitaine
King John of England
Hugh Capet
Otto the Great
Ferdinand & Isabel
Henry IV
Richard the Lion-Hearted

5. Ticket Out the Door: List 2 facts you learned this week that you found interesting and one fact you found confusing or uninteresting.

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