Thursday, February 6, 2014

Friday, February 7th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

1. Starter:

2. Brainstorm: If we decide to make this civilization assessment into a competition, what would the rules/guidelines need to be. They need to be historically sound (not random dice throwing or rock/paper/scissors). Consider: 
  • How do you decide who to attack? 
  • Once there is a battle how do you decide who has the advantage/disadvantage? 
  • How do you decide who wins the battle? 
  • What kinds of scenario cards (real-life factors in a civilization's success) could be used to enhance the competition in a historically appropriate way?
3. Benchmark Remediation: Complete & turn in!

4. Build Your Civilization: Continue work! Due Monday!

5. Ticket Out the Door: List 2 facts you learned this week that you found interesting and one fact you found confusing or uninteresting.

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