Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thursday, February 6th

I can evaluate how effective civilizations are structured. 

1. Starter: Do you think that all social classes should have equal rights & privileges? Explain your answer.

2. Ancient Rome: Continue taking notes on your chart as we look at the Religion, Record Keeping & Writing, and Art & Architecture of Ancient Rome. 

3. Build A Civilization: Continue working on the previous topics. Move onto the final topics when ready. 

Formalized Religion
Answer the following questions:

1. What is the name of your religion? Explain your reasoning.

2. Is your religion monotheistic or polytheistic? Explain your reasoning.

3. What is the name/are the names of your major god(s)/goddess(es)?

4. What is the name of your religion’s place of worship?

5. How does your society worship god(s)/goddess(es)?

Record Keeping & Writing
Create a T-chart. Include 10 characters (letters, pictures, etc.) on one side and on the other side, provide a translation into English.

Describe an artifact that would tell future civilizations about the writing and record keeping of your civilization.

Art & Architecture
Create a piece of art that would show what your society valued. It can be a painting, sculpture, piece of jewelry, dance, etc.

Write a poem or song that praises your civilization. It can include what is great about the location of your civilization, glorify your ruler, focus on your religion, etc.

Design a building that would be typical of the architecture in your civilization. Explain why this type of architecture would be common.

Draw the aerial layout of your civilization. Include the landmarks and locations that many civilizations have in common (market, temples, town square, housing, farmland, roads, government buildings). Be sure to include geographic landmarks (water, mountains, etc.)

4. Ticket Out the Door: Write a higher order thinking question. Also, answer it.

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