Monday, February 3, 2014

Tuesday, Ferbuary 4th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are developed. 

1. Starter: Watch the Legend of Romulus & Remus. What does this legend tell you about the Ancient Romans?

2. Ancient Rome: Set up a chart for the Ancient Romans. Take notes as we go through the PowerPoint. Today we are focusing on Developed Cities & Organized Government of Ancient Rome.

3. Build a Great Civilization: Today you will focus on the your civilization's Developed Cities & Organized Government.

Developed Cities

Population: How many people live in your civilization? Provide reasoning.

Geography: Pick a location to build your civilization – locate it on the map. You can pick any place on earth, just make sure that you can explain your choice. Answer the following questions:

1. How will this location provide for the basic needs of your population?

2. How will this location provide for the defense of your civilization?

Name: What is the name of your civilization? How did you come up with this name?


1. What is your food source(s)?

2. What are your raw materials?

3. What are your luxury goods?

4. Describe typical housing for the rich, middle class, and poor.

5. What goods will you import? Export?

6. How are you citizens educated?

Organized Government

Decide what type of government your civilization will have. We have looked at 4 types: monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, & theocracy. Answer the following questions:

1. What type of government will you have in your civilization?

2. Why did you choose this type of government?

3. How will this form of government benefit your civilization?

4. Who controls the military? Who serves in the military?


1. Write 10 laws that your society will have to follow.

2. Make sure you also explain the punishment for breaking each law.

3. How will you inform your citizens of these laws and punishments?

4. Ticket Out the Door - KWL:
  • What is one thing that you knew prior to this lesson about today’s topic?
  • What is one thing that you still want to know about the lesson?
  • What is one thing that you learned during this lesson?

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