Monday, February 17, 2014

Wednesday, February 19th

I can use patterns to make predictions.

1. Starter: Draw a T-chart. Write similarities on one side and differences on the other. Compare and contrast Christianity and Judaism based on your prior knowledge of either religion, or religion in general.

2. Crash Course: As you watch the video, Christianity from Judaism to Constantine, answer the questions on the handout.

3. World Religions Research: ** Open the World Religions Chart.  (Don't forget to Make a Copy and save it to your Drive in your World History folder.) Using the information from the Crash Course video, as well as your textbook, complete the Judaism and Christianity portions of your chart.

4. Graphicize It: How can you graphically represent the similarities and differences between Judaism and Christianity. Create a draft of your graphic. Tomorrow we will review the information for your chart and you can create your final product.

5. Ticket Out the Door:  
  • Create one higher order thinking question about today's lesson (use process skills).
  • Answer the question.

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