Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wednesday, February 5th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 


1. Starter: Which form of government do you think is most effective for civilizations, such as Ancient Rome: republic, triumvirate, or dictatorship? Explain.

2. Ancient Rome: Continue filling in your chart as you take notes on the Social Classes & Specialization of Labor of Ancient Rome. 

3. Build Your Own Civilization: First we will claim land. Finish answering the questions for Developed Cities & Organized Government. Then you will work on developing the Social Classes & Specialization of Labor of your civilization. 

Social Classes

  • Create a graphic that explains the social classes in your civilization. You can divide your social classes by jobs, age, wealth, etc.
  • Answer the following questions:
1. What would you call your leader?

2. Would you have slaves? Why or why not?

3. What rights are given to each social class (voting, etc.)? Explain your reasoning.

Specialization of Labor

  • Describe at least 5 jobs that people would hold in your civilization. For each job, answer the following questions:
1. What is this worker an expert at?

2. How will this worker spend an average work day?

3. How was this worker trained?

4. What goods will these workers produce? Illustrate them.

5. Which social class will this worker fall into?

4. Ticket Out the Door:
  • Create one higher order thinking question about today's lesson (use process skills).
  • Answer the question.

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