Monday, February 17, 2014

Tuesday, February 18th

I can make prediction based on patterns.

1. Starter: What is your thesis statement for your Fall of Rome essay planning? 

Anyone want to share their civilization?  

PowerPoint on Ancient Rome

2. Fall of Rome: Make sure you have a handout with primary & secondary sources that each have accompanying questions. You need to thoughtfully write detailed answers. You may discuss these sources & questions with a classmate - this DOES NOT mean that you can copy each others' answers!

3. Once you finish working with the sources, you need to open the Google Doc - Fall of Ancient Rome essay planning. MAKE A COPY AND SAVE TO YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE! Complete. Share with me. If this is all you do, you can earn up to an 80.

**You must use the information from your notes (PowerPoint & Crash Course) as your examples and information from the sources as your quote.  
4. If you would like the opportunity to earn up to a 100, you need to write the essay in Google Drive and share it with me. The essay will be due Wednesday.
5. Ticket Out the Door - KWL: 
  • What is one thing that you knew prior to this lesson about today’s topic?
  • What is one thing that you still want to know about the lesson?
  • What is one thing that you learned during this lesson?

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