Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, February 3rd


I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

**Be sure to share with me or send me your Greek myth! 

1. Starter: What are three ways that Ancient Greek culture is still present in modern societies? Make a list.

2. Mankind - Iron Men:
  • Draw 3 columns on your paper
  • Label them according to our big ideas: structure, patterns, & power
  • As you watch take notes, categorizing the information by big ideas

    3. Thank You, Ancient Greece: 
    **Add to the class' concept map the information for your gods/goddesses. 
    • Think about the contributions the Ancient Greeks have made to modern society.
    • You are going to write a Thank You letter to the Ancient Greeks for these contributions.
    • Choose 2 contributions.
    • Include in your thank you how the contributions appeared in the Ancient Greek civilization, how they appear in modern society, and why these contributions are important.
    • Choose from different characteristics of a civilization (developed cities/organized government, formalized religion, social classes/specialization of labor, art & architecture, record keeping & writing).
    • You may need to do a little extra research!
    • Write this inside a thank you card of your own design - incorporate characteristics of Ancient Greek culture in your design.  

    4. Ticket Out the Door: How does the big idea of structure relate to today’s lesson?

    Sunday, January 26, 2014

    Monday, January 27th

    I can evaluate  how influential civilizations are structured.


    1. Starter: Imagine that Zeus has come to you and said that Olympus is lacking a god or goddess and he needs you to help. Invent a new Olympian and describe him/her:
    Roman Name: 

    Connection to Olympus (related to another god/goddess? married to a god/goddess?):
    Personality Traits: 

    2. Benchmark: Do your best on the benchmark. It will not be taken as a grade as it is.

    3. Concept Mapping & Myths: After you finish your benchmark, continue working on your myth and the Greek God & Goddess Concept Map.

    4. Ticket Out the Door: Reflect on the benchmark. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being confident and 10 being unsure, rate your understanding of World History at this point. Explain your rating.

    Thursday, January 23, 2014

    Friday, January 24th

    I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

    1. Starter: If you could have dinner with one Greek god or goddess, who would it be and why? 

    2. Greece Notes: Take notes from the Prezi/PowerPoint.

    3. Greek Gods & Goddesses Class Concept Map: For your assigned god/goddess create your piece of the concept map. 

    4. It's Your Myth: Myths were used to explain natural phenomena. Your challenge is to create your own myth to explain some natural phenomenon or land formation. It could be anything from the origin of hurricanes to how Niagara Falls was created. Your story...
    • Must involve at least two Olympian gods or goddesses. It may contain more then two.
    • Must explain some natural phenomenon or geological feature. 
    • Should be at least 350 words. 
    • Must have a clear plot: rising action, climax, and falling action. 
    • Should clearly show that you know something about Greek mythology. You can do this be including details about the Olympian gods & goddesses that show you know their powers, realms, symbols, personalities, etc.  


    Explains natural phenIncludes at least two Olympian gods/goddesses ____/20
    Meets minimum word length _____/10
    Has clear plot ____/5
    Demonstrates depth of understanding of Greek mythology _____/15
    Writing is clear, focused and conveys the story in an interesting way ____/15
    TOTAL of _____/80

    5. Ticket Out the Door: List 2 facts you learned this week that you found interesting and one facts you found confusing or uninteresting.

    Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    Thursday, January 23rd

    I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

    2nd Block
    1. Starter: Write an acrostic poem for Ancient Greece; fill in descriptions/characteristics of the civilization.


    2.  Ancient Greece Prezi: For your assigned topic, fill in the Prezi. Be thorough!

    3. Greek Gods & Goddesses Research: For each of the following gods/goddesses find their roman name, realm, symbol, & character traits.


    4. Ancient Greece Prezi: Share the information for your topic with the class. 

    5. Ticket out the Door: How does the big idea of structure relate to today's lesson?

    3rd Block
    1. Starter: Write an acrostic poem for Ancient Greece; fill in descriptions/characteristics of the civilization.


    2. Gallery Walk:

    • Take a couple of post-it notes.
    • At the top of one put a + and at the top of the other put a triangle.
    • Walk around looking at other concept maps. For each one put something you like (+) and something that you have a question about or an improvement that could be made (triangle).
    3. Self-Evaluation & Rigor Reflections
    • Evaluate your concept map using the Concept Map rubric.
    • Tape this in your journal.
    • Based on the feedback you received, write down the best thing about your concept map and one step you could take to improve your concept map.
    • What is one addition/alteration to the concept map assignment that we could make to increase the rigor of our concept maps?
    4. Ancient Greece: Fill in the handout as we go through the PowerPoint.

    5. Greek Gods & Goddesses Research: For each of the following gods/goddesses find their roman name, realm, symbol, & character traits.  


    6. Ticket out the Door: How does the big idea of structure relate to today's lesson?

    Wednesday, January 22nd

    I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

    2nd Block
    1. Starter: What benefits do you see to using a concept mapping as a part of your learning?
    2. Gallery Walk:
    • Take a couple of post-it notes.
    • At the top of one put a + and at the top of the other put a triangle.
    • Walk around looking at other concept maps. For each one put something you like (+) and something that you have a question about or an improvement that could be made (triangle).
    3. Self-Evaluation & Rigor Reflections
    • Evaluate your concept map using the Concept Map rubric.
    • Tape this in your journal.
    • Based on the feedback you received, write down the best thing about your concept map and one step you could take to improve your concept map.
    • What is one addition/alteration to the concept map assignment that we could make to increase the rigor of our concept maps?
    4. Ancient Greece Organized: Continue filling in the Research chart for Ancient Greece using your notes & Chapter 5 in the textbook.

    6. Ticket Out the Door:
    • Create one higher order thinking question about today's lesson (use process skills).
    • Answer the question.

    3rd Block
    1. Starter: What benefits do you see to using a concept mapping as a part of your learning?

    2. Ancient Greece: Fill in the handout as we go through the PowerPoint.

    3. Characteristics of Ancient Greece: Continue filling in your Ancient Greece Research Charts. *Those of you who need to put the finishing touches on your Ancient Egypt Concept Map, use this time.

    4. Ticket Out the Door:
    • Create one higher order thinking question about today's lesson (use process skills).
    • Answer the question.

    Monday, January 20, 2014

    Tuesday, January 21st

    I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured.

    1. Starter
    2. Concept Map
    3. Research 
    4. Ticket Out the Door

    1. Starter: Pretend you time traveled to Ancient Egypt. Make a list of 5 things from Ancient Egypt you would like to see for yourself.

    2. Concept Map: Complete your concept map for Ancient Egypt.

    3. Research
    • Create a new chart for Ancient Greece.
    • Using Chapter 5 (pgs. 124 - 155), fill in as much of the chart as you can.
    4. Ticket Out the Door - KWL:
    • What is one thing that you knew prior to this lesson about today’s topic?
    • What is one thing that you still want to know about the lesson?
    • What is one thing that you learned during this lesson?

    Thursday, January 16, 2014

    Friday, January 17th

    I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured.

    1. Starter

    2. Egypt (con't)
    3. Vocabulary 

    4. Concept Mapping
    5. Ticket Out the Door

    1. Starter: So far, which civilization would you most want to live in for a day? Explain your choice.

    2. Egypt (con't): Finish up filling in your Egypt Research Chart from the Prezi.

    3. Vocabulary: For each of the following words, provide the definition and an example/nonexample.

    Word: bird
    Definition: a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate the has feathers, wings, a beak, and can typically fly
    Example: cardinal
    Nonexample: cat 

    1. empire
    2. dynasty
    3. theocracy
    4. monarchy 
    5. monotheism 
    6. polytheism
    4. Concept Mapping:
    • Egypt will be at the center of your concept map.
    • You will have 5 branches off of your center:
      • Developed Cities/Organized Government
      • Social Class/Specialization of Labor
      • Formalized Religion
      • Record Keeping & Writing
      • Art & Architecture
    • Write key words associated with each of these characteristics as they relate to Egypt
    • Add relevant illustrations (you may use these in place of key words)
    5. Ticket Out the Door: List 2 facts you learned this week that you found interesting and one facts you found confusing or uninteresting.