Friday, January 3, 2014

Monday, January 6th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Syllabus & Expectations
3. An Introduction to Paul Salopek
4. Out of Eden Article & Assignment
5. Ticket Out the Door

1. Welcome & Introductions:  In your assigned small groups, share facts about yourselves in order to find 10 things about yourselves in common. 

2. Syllabus & Expectations

4. Out of Eden Article & Assignment
All students must: 
  • Complete the vocabulary assignment: For each of the following terms use the context clues to predict the meaning.
    • chimera
    • maniacal
    • hallmark
    • suburbia
    • fodder
  • Read selected text
  • Complete post-reading assignment: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Each answer should be several sentences.
    • What does it say? (summarize the article)
    • What does it  mean? (connect the article to our course - World History)
    • What does it matter? (connect the content of the article to what's going on in the world today)
5. Ticket Out the Door - KWL:   
  • What is one thing that you knew prior to this lesson about today’s topic
  • What is one thing that you still want to know about the lesson
  • What is one thing that you learned during this lesson?

The Human Journey

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