Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friday, January 24th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

1. Starter: If you could have dinner with one Greek god or goddess, who would it be and why? 

2. Greece Notes: Take notes from the Prezi/PowerPoint.

3. Greek Gods & Goddesses Class Concept Map: For your assigned god/goddess create your piece of the concept map. 

4. It's Your Myth: Myths were used to explain natural phenomena. Your challenge is to create your own myth to explain some natural phenomenon or land formation. It could be anything from the origin of hurricanes to how Niagara Falls was created. Your story...
  • Must involve at least two Olympian gods or goddesses. It may contain more then two.
  • Must explain some natural phenomenon or geological feature. 
  • Should be at least 350 words. 
  • Must have a clear plot: rising action, climax, and falling action. 
  • Should clearly show that you know something about Greek mythology. You can do this be including details about the Olympian gods & goddesses that show you know their powers, realms, symbols, personalities, etc.  


Explains natural phenIncludes at least two Olympian gods/goddesses ____/20
Meets minimum word length _____/10
Has clear plot ____/5
Demonstrates depth of understanding of Greek mythology _____/15
Writing is clear, focused and conveys the story in an interesting way ____/15
TOTAL of _____/80

5. Ticket Out the Door: List 2 facts you learned this week that you found interesting and one facts you found confusing or uninteresting.

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