Sunday, January 26, 2014

Monday, January 27th

I can evaluate  how influential civilizations are structured.


1. Starter: Imagine that Zeus has come to you and said that Olympus is lacking a god or goddess and he needs you to help. Invent a new Olympian and describe him/her:
Roman Name: 

Connection to Olympus (related to another god/goddess? married to a god/goddess?):
Personality Traits: 

2. Benchmark: Do your best on the benchmark. It will not be taken as a grade as it is.

3. Concept Mapping & Myths: After you finish your benchmark, continue working on your myth and the Greek God & Goddess Concept Map.

4. Ticket Out the Door: Reflect on the benchmark. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being confident and 10 being unsure, rate your understanding of World History at this point. Explain your rating.

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