Monday, January 13, 2014

Tuesday, January 14

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

1. Starter
2. Compare/Contrast
3. Gallery Walk
4. Persian Empire
5. Ticket Out the Door

1. Starter: Use this website to write your initials in cuneiform. What is cuneiform?

2. Compare & Contrast: At your tables on white boards, create a Venn diagram comparing/contrasting the Akkadians & the Babylonians.

3. Gallery Walk: 
  • Open you Akkadian & Babylonian charts on your laptops 
  • Compare what you have with a partner 
  • As you walk around the room, fill in any information you have about each civilization on the poster for each characteristic of a civilization

4. Persian Empire: 
  • Create a document with the research chart for the Persians
  • As you watch the Crash Course World History video, fill in any information that you can into the chart
  • To complete the chart, use pages 51-55 in the textbook

5. Ticket Out the Door: How does the big idea of STRUCTURE relate to today's lesson?

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