Thursday, January 16, 2014

Friday, January 17th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured.

1. Starter

2. Egypt (con't)
3. Vocabulary 

4. Concept Mapping
5. Ticket Out the Door

1. Starter: So far, which civilization would you most want to live in for a day? Explain your choice.

2. Egypt (con't): Finish up filling in your Egypt Research Chart from the Prezi.

3. Vocabulary: For each of the following words, provide the definition and an example/nonexample.

Word: bird
Definition: a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate the has feathers, wings, a beak, and can typically fly
Example: cardinal
Nonexample: cat 

1. empire
2. dynasty
3. theocracy
4. monarchy 
5. monotheism 
6. polytheism
4. Concept Mapping:
  • Egypt will be at the center of your concept map.
  • You will have 5 branches off of your center:
    • Developed Cities/Organized Government
    • Social Class/Specialization of Labor
    • Formalized Religion
    • Record Keeping & Writing
    • Art & Architecture
  • Write key words associated with each of these characteristics as they relate to Egypt
  • Add relevant illustrations (you may use these in place of key words)
5. Ticket Out the Door: List 2 facts you learned this week that you found interesting and one facts you found confusing or uninteresting.

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