Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wednesday, January 8th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured.

1. Starter
2. Mankind (continued)
3. Partner Read Nacirema
4. Define civilization 

1. Starter: 
  • On an index card, write the question you created on your Ticket Out the Door yesterday.
  • Trade-Trade-Quiz
2. Mankind:  
  • Continue to take categorized notes as you watch.
  • Share at your tables the information you have classified.
  • For your assigned theme, add information to the board.
  • Discuss.

3. Partner Read Nacirema:
  • Purpose for Reading: Look for characteristics of a civilization.
  • Trade readers with each paragraph
  • The listener WILL correct any mispronounced words 
  • The reader/listener will stop when he/she doesn’t understand a word. Use context clues OR a dictionary to help define confusing words.
  • The reader/listener will stop to ask questions and make comments. 
  • Purpose: Underline any characteristics of a the Nacirema civilization.
  • Make a bubble map with Nacirema in the middle and characteristics of their civilization branching off. Branching off from each characteristic, add evidence from the reading.
4. Ticket Out the Door:
  • Identify 3 concepts/examples you understand about today's topic
  • Identify 2 concepts/examples you still have questions about
  • Identify 1 connection to something you learned previously

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