Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22nd

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

2nd Block
1. Starter: What benefits do you see to using a concept mapping as a part of your learning?
2. Gallery Walk:
  • Take a couple of post-it notes.
  • At the top of one put a + and at the top of the other put a triangle.
  • Walk around looking at other concept maps. For each one put something you like (+) and something that you have a question about or an improvement that could be made (triangle).
3. Self-Evaluation & Rigor Reflections
  • Evaluate your concept map using the Concept Map rubric.
  • Tape this in your journal.
  • Based on the feedback you received, write down the best thing about your concept map and one step you could take to improve your concept map.
  • What is one addition/alteration to the concept map assignment that we could make to increase the rigor of our concept maps?
4. Ancient Greece Organized: Continue filling in the Research chart for Ancient Greece using your notes & Chapter 5 in the textbook.

6. Ticket Out the Door:
  • Create one higher order thinking question about today's lesson (use process skills).
  • Answer the question.

3rd Block
1. Starter: What benefits do you see to using a concept mapping as a part of your learning?

2. Ancient Greece: Fill in the handout as we go through the PowerPoint.

3. Characteristics of Ancient Greece: Continue filling in your Ancient Greece Research Charts. *Those of you who need to put the finishing touches on your Ancient Egypt Concept Map, use this time.

4. Ticket Out the Door:
  • Create one higher order thinking question about today's lesson (use process skills).
  • Answer the question.

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