Monday, January 6, 2014

Tuesday, January 7th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

1. Starter
2. Article Discussion & Activity
3. Mankind
4. Ticket Out the Door

1. Starter:
  • Draw a bubble map. 
  • Place the word civilized in the center. 
  • Complete the bubble map, describing what it means to be civilized.

2. Article Discussion:
  • Share vocabulary predictions. Look up terms - who came the closest to the actual meaning?
  • Discuss your answer to each of the three post-reading questions.
  • Choose one adjective that best answers each of the three questions.

3. Mankind Viewing Assignment: 
  • Divide your paper into three sections. 
  • Label one section STRUCTURE, another section PATTERNS, and the last section POWER.
  • As you watch the first episode of the Mankind series, Innovators, categorize information from the film that fits underneath one of the themes.

4. Ticket Out the Door:
  • Create one higher order thinking question about today's lesson (use process skills). 
  • Answer the question.

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