Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday, January 9th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

1. Starter
2. Cornell Notes

3. Symbolic Illustration
4. Ticket out the Door


1. Starter:
  • With your neighbors, write a description in the spirit of the Nacirema article that describes some habit you think is completely normal but other civilizations might find peculiar. 
  • Each student should write a copy in his/her journal. 
  • Be prepared to share!

2. Cornell Notes:

  • Take Cornell Notes on Chapter 1 Section 3 of the World History textbook. 
  • Don’t forget higher order questions and a TPEEA summary.

3. Symbolic Illustration:

  • Remember that our big idea is structure and we are beginning our investigation into how civilizations are structured. 
  • With your partner, brainstorm a way you can visually represent the big idea of structure, as well as the characteristics of a civilization. 
  • I should be able to look at your illustration and understand all the elements every civilization possesses. 
  • Use poster paper. 
  • Make it colorful and detailed!
25 POINTS - Incorporates STRUCTURE
30 POINTS - Clear communication of characteristics
15 POINTS - Symbolic
15 POINTS - Creative
15 POINTS - Colorful & Neat

4. Ticket out the Door:
How does the big idea of structure relate to today’s lesson?

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