Monday, January 20, 2014

Tuesday, January 21st

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured.

1. Starter
2. Concept Map
3. Research 
4. Ticket Out the Door

1. Starter: Pretend you time traveled to Ancient Egypt. Make a list of 5 things from Ancient Egypt you would like to see for yourself.

2. Concept Map: Complete your concept map for Ancient Egypt.

3. Research
  • Create a new chart for Ancient Greece.
  • Using Chapter 5 (pgs. 124 - 155), fill in as much of the chart as you can.
4. Ticket Out the Door - KWL:
  • What is one thing that you knew prior to this lesson about today’s topic?
  • What is one thing that you still want to know about the lesson?
  • What is one thing that you learned during this lesson?

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