Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wednesday, January 15th

I can evaluate how influential civilizations are structured. 

1. Starter
2. Persian Padlet
3. Ancient Civilization Inquiry
4. Ancient Empires Map
5. Ticket Out the Door

1. Starter: If you could eliminate one characteristic of a civilization from YOUR civilization, which would you eliminate? Explain your answer.

2. Persian Padlet: 

3. Ancient Empires Map: Shade the area that each civilization/empire occupied for the AKKADIANS, BABYLONIANS, & PERSIANS

4. Ancient Civilization Inquiry:
  • Write a question about an ancient civilization we have studied.
  • Research the answer to your question.
  • Write a point sentence that answers your question. 
  • Write an analysis sentence that addresses why your question is important.
  • Find a relevant picture that illustrates your question/point sentence/analysis sentence. 
  • Categorize your question. Which characteristic of a civilization would your question & information fit under? 
  • Post ALL this information on the Ancient Civilization Inquiry Padlet

5. Ticket Out the Door
  • Identify 3 concepts/examples you understand about today's topic
  • Identify 2 concepts/examples you still have questions about
  • Identify 1 connection to something you learned previously

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